Pain Management

All over the body, from general pain through to specific muscle pain, headaches and migraines, persistent back pain and neck pain, in fact for any symptom of pain anywhere in the body, acupuncture can help.

With a history of effective treatment stretching back nearly three thousand years, acupuncture is a pain solution for modern times. We are more aware than ever of the need for natural solutions, and here at Long Life Health we combine our vast experience within all-natural Chinese medical approaches with our dedication to creating a safe, comforting environment that encourages the healing process and gives peace of mind to all our patients.

Ongoing chronic pain can create issues in almost every aspect of your life; and for many of us today, increasing number of pain killer’s intake is not acceptable.

Acupuncture works with the body’s natural processes, no chemicals or worry about addiction, just natural and effective results.

All over the body, from general pain through to specific muscle pain, headaches and migraines, persistent back pain and neck pain, in fact for any symptom of pain anywhere in the body, acupuncture can help.

Acupuncture treatment Clinic